The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation

"Connecting people to Christ Jesus and to each other"  

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WE believe in one true God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, who reveals Himself to man as a Trinity. Gen. 1:1, 2Cor.13: 14, Titus 2:13, 2cor 3:17'18. He is Lord and Sovereign over all and sustains all things by His power. We believe in the Life giving Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, and is equal with the Father and the Son. We believe in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who in the beginning was with God and was God. John 1:1, born of the Virgin Mary, fully God and fully man, suffered excruciating pains, crucifixion and death, under men whom He came to redeem, and was bodily raised from the dead and appeared on the surface of the earth before ascending into heaven to demonstrate His complete Victory and authority over sin, death and the devil and is now Lord of heaven and earth, and will return in glory as Judge at the end of this present age. 2Cor.5: 21, Acts 2:23,24, 1Cor.15: 3,4,Heb.4: 15, Matt.1: 18,23.

WE believe that through our first parents, mankind forfeited our original relationship with God through disobedience in Eden, thereby becoming subject to the rule of Satan. Every person born into the world, as a result, inherits this fallen nature, being alienated from God and inclined to evil, being initially sinful by birth and subsequently by act, but has a conscience by which he experiences the presence of God, of right and wrong and of consequent guilt and condemnation. Rom.5: 12, Eph.2: 1-3, Rom.1: 18-20.

WE believe that every person who truly repents and comes back to God through faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross, is forgiven all sin, is justified before God and receives the righteousness of Christ, is delivered from the dominion of Satan, becomes spiritually regenerated and restored to fellowship with God. Acts 3:19 John 3:16, Rom. 5:9, Col.1: 13, Matt.24: 13, Eph.2: 8-9.

WE believe that every Christian should be baptized in water as a public declaration of identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection, and in the Holy Spirit as a distinct experience of empowering for Christian life and ministry. Acts 2:38-41, Rom.6: 3-4, Acts 1:5-8, 2:4, 10:46. We believe in the grace of sanctification, which is a separation from evil and a dedication to God, which commences at new birth and continues through life. IIThess.2: 13, IICor.6: 14, Eph.4: 22-24.

WE believe in the Bible as the Infallible Word of God, divinely inspired and supremely authoritative in all matters of faith and conduct and is a complete revelation of the nature of God, His will for mankind and eternal salvation through Christ our Lord. IITim.3: 16, John 20:31, Rev. 22:19, II Peter 1:21.

WE believe in the one true church of God with Jesus Christ at its head, and made up of all those truly born again by the Holy Spirit and the new Life of Christ and anointed to fulfill the Great Commission of global evangelism before the end of this age. Eph.4: 4-16, Matt.28: 19-20, Matt.24: 14.

WE believe that at the end of time, the Lord Jesus will return in power and glory, and will be seen by all people, to judge all mankind. The righteouses in Christ wii receive eternal life and entrance into the presence of God, while the unrighteous will be lost in hell for eternity. The Kingdom of Satan will be overthrown and confined to eternal destruction, while Christ our King shall reign supreme forever. Matt.24: 30, IThess.4: 13-18, IIThess.1: 6-10, IICor.5: 10, Rev.20: 10-15, Rev.21: 1-7.